Age of History



Welcome to the ultimate sandbox of history, Age of History! step into the shoes of history’s greatest leaders or go totally off the rails with your own unique civilization. Age of History II gives you the power to be the architect of your destiny, one wild era at a time. Ready to dominate the world and make history your playground?

Age of History Top Features

๐ŸŒŸ Build Your Dream Civilization: Forge a nation in your image, make your own flag, and decide your people’s destiny.

๐Ÿคด Rule as You Please: Age of History lets you pick any civilization and government form. No need to stick to history books!

๐Ÿ’ฐ Resource Management and Economic Evolution: Manage your resources and watch your economy evolve over the ages. Build markets, invest in trade, and make sure you have enough coin to fund your epic quests.

๐Ÿ˜ƒ Keep the Peeps Happy: Happy citizens make a successful nation. Host festivals, lower taxes, and ensure peace to keep your people smiling and out of revolution’s way.

โš”๏ธ Wage Wars or Form Alliances: Whether you’re a warmonger or a peacemaker, Age of History has got you covered. Conquer your rivals with brute force, or flex your diplomacy muscles to form mighty alliances.

All eras, any civilization!

Now, let’s talk civilizations. These guys rule the roost in the provinces and come in all flavors, from monarchies to democracies. They’ve got different levels of tech too. To level up, you’ll need to construct the right buildings and dip into that budget for research. And don’t forget, each civilization comes with its own ruler, with special skills and quirks. Here are some of the mightiest and greatest ones on the menu:

  • Rome: Bow down to the masters of ancient engineering and strategy! Will you lead the world as Caesar did? Veni, vidi, vici!
  • China: The Middle Kingdom stands strong! Command the Great Wall’s defenders, harness the power of gunpowder, and leave your mark on history.
  • Parthian Empire: A force of the ancient world to be reckoned with! The Parthians were masters of mounted warfare and archery.
  • Great Britain: The British Empire stands as a testament to the age of exploration and colonization. Sail across the seas, establish colonies, and shape an empire where the sun never sets.
  • France: Ah, the land of art, culture, and military prowess! Take charge of the French army, bask in the glory of the French Revolution, and guide the nation through the trials of history.

Not an easy task, to rule!

Like any strategy, Age of History has pretty basic controls and a pretty complex interface. While you can handle all the building, and battling, and trading as easily as poking around the screen with your mouse or even your finger, the whole who’s in charge, how are the crop rates, what’s the army payroll, and is there a revolution brewing will take keeping your eye on a multitude of tabs. Don’t worry though, the game is turn-based, so you will have all the time in history to weigh your decisions carefully and do your royal best! The rest is a matter of your personal governing style and political prowess. But that’s not all, and there are some bonus features you can take advantage of in Age of History!

Create your own glorious scenario!

  • Civilization Creator: Ever dream of forging your very own nation? Here’s your chance! In this crazy-good civilization editor, you can cook up new countries and even design their flags. How’s that for creative freedom?
  • City Shaper: Feeling like a city planner? You get to pop cities into any province you like. Give ’em snazzy names and even pick what type they are. Boom, instant metropolis!
  • Map Maestro: Fancy yourself a cartographer? You can craft a whole new map from scratch or jazz up an existing one. Tune up the pace of province development, sketch continents, and mold civilizations to your whims.
  • Story Sculptor: Ready to craft your very own story? In this awesome scenario editor, you can conjure up real historical events or let your creativity run wild with a completely made-up narrative. Want to throw some futuristic tech into medieval times? Or perhaps create an epic war with dragons and knights? You’re the storyteller, and the world is your oyster!
  • Game Guru: Ready to rock the boat? Dive into this game editor and let your imagination run wild! You can customize patches, diplomacy colors, and the map’s color scheme. Heck, you can even create brand-new civilizations, landscapes, regions, continents, and a whole bunch more!

Age of History isn’t just a game – it’s a mind-bending trip through time, politics, and epic battles. You’re the captain of this crazy ship, shaping civilizations and crafting your own historical legacy. Can you rise to the challenge and become the ultimate master of history’s grand stage? Time’s ticking, so get out there and rewrite history, you legend!

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